



The history of ancient Nadi astrology originated in centuries of years ago; there were great Sages or Rishis, who had the vision of looking to know the future of anybody on earth. These foresights were written on Palm Leaves as Nadi josiyam in a particular script and these leaves are used to predict the people's future in these days by Nadi Astrologers. The Rishis of ancient India Applied their minds and discovered many arts & sciences for the well-being of future generations of mankind. One of the science is Astrology. There are various branches in Astrology viz Horoscopy., i.e. casting & reading horoscopes based on the positions of planets at the time of birth of an individual and the movements of the planets across the Zodiac. This is a well developed science as proved from ancient texts like Brihatsamhita, Jathaka, Paarijatha and so on.